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What is the best seat on a plane?

Many travelers frequently ask this question because a trip begins much earlier than the check-in at a hotel. It starts already at the airport with excited anticipation for the trip and continues in the airplane, where a good choice of seat can boost the excitement and a bad seat is most likely to spoil the mood.

However, there is no universal answer as the best seat depends entirely on a traveler’s needs, as well as the specific aircraft passengers choose for their trip. For instance, a person who prefers to sleep the entire flight and can do it easily might be completely thrown off by an aisle seat with seatmates waking their neighbors up to use the lavatory, while someone who loves to get up and stretch may feel trapped by a window seat.

Making a wise choice

Tastes differ in everything, from whether to order food on the plane or not to how to spend the flight to be better prepared for the activity on the ground. Knowing what matches your taste specifically is essential in making a wise choice and enjoying its benefits in full.

best seat on a plane

Therefore, the very idea of the best seat arises from travel style and personal preferences. One thing is for sure – getting a perfect seat on an airplane can make the difference between a great flight and a miserable one, especially in a coach.

We have prepared some useful tips on how to choose the best seat on a plane for a variety of needs and offer advice on how to ensure you get the seat you want.

The best travel credit cards enable you to earn large welcome bonuses that can get you traveling in a lie-flat style (business and/or economy plus). Yet, many like to stretch our points (or cash) for inexpensive coach flights, and that is exactly where picking the best airline makes the biggest impact.

best seat in a plane

How to identify the best seat on a plane

Learning the best seats on a plane for the most comfortable and desirable travel style and priorities will help make your next flight more enjoyable. Here are the top strategies for getting the best airline seat for different needs.

Best airplane seat for:

  • A smooth ride: a seat over the wing
  • Sleepers: a window seat in the back
  • Maximum legroom: an aisle seat in the exit row
  • A quick plane exit: any seat close to the front
  • Safety conscious: a seat toward the back
  • Traveling with kids: bulkhead seat, kids by the window
  • A/C power: any middle seat
  • Larger passengers: any exit row seat
  • Long-haul flight: aisle seat near galley and bathroom

If you are wondering how to figure out the best seat on an individual flight, we suggest checking SeatGuru (a handy source for airplane seating, in-flight amenities, flight shopping, and airline information) for details on your aircraft. Look out for what matters to you most.

How to get the best seat on a plane

Moreover, when it comes to getting the best seats on a plane, it is all about personal preferences and expectations. Once you know what seat you want, there are a few ways to increase your chances of getting it:

  • Book early
  • Pay extra
  • Upgrade to the main economy
  • Check-in early
  • Look for upgrades

You can also check Plusgrade, which runs auctions for dozens of airlines. Lufthansa, for instance, is one of the airline companies that allow you to make an upgrade offer directly on their website as well.

Choose wisely and enjoy the flight!


by Severino Ricci

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