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Cultural Nuances Of The U.S. & Italy


Welcome to italy2california!

If you have traveling, wellness, good food, art, design and the cultures of the U.S. and Italy on your mind then you are in the right place.

Let’s explore the cultural nuances of the U.S and Italy, topics related to tourism and traveling.

Let’s ride the Pacific Ocean waves and experience the American Dream in Italian Style, join our community!

Severino Ricci

Severino Ricci - Italian ambassador for Oceanside. California


Hi, this is Severino. Born and raised in San Severo, I moved to Milan in 2000, where I currently live. I became a successful man, I shared my professional experiences in different companies, in different industries. My competence and skills helped me to achieve significant goals. Today, I’m responsible for the Italian branch of an international company.

Traveling and discovering the world, have always been my passion – my energy. And, at times, passion and curiosity do make things happen!

Today I’m the Oceanside Tourism Ambassador, Board Director of California Surf Museum and Founder of italy2california.

“italy2california” isn’t just a slogan to be recognized, but and above all, the extreme synthesis of the link between my origin and the place I have always dreamed to live in.

At a certain point, you look at the ocean and see the right wave coming, the one you’ve always been waiting for, the one you want to ride with energy till the end.


Media Coverage

L'OCEANO DENTRO. Viaggi dell'Anima e della Vita
Acquista ora
POINT BREAK: Ti porto in California
Acquista ora
Peli fa surf
Acquista ora