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Analyzing Leadership Concepts

Leadership concepts refer to factors that leaders consider when applying a leadership style and overseeing a team of individuals. The type of leadership applied in a company will determine workers motivation and productiveness in business objectives. Let’s examine and compare three different leadership concepts in the firm and how they are manipulated to achieve success; I am referring to the value based leadership, the authentic leadership, and the positive leadership; a topic I am fascinated with.

analyzing leadership

Value Based Leadership

According to Ospina, Kersh & Alraqhas (2015), Value based leadership system is achievable when the company culture exhibits a purposeful consistency. The company mission, values, strategies, vision, rewards, recognition, systems, and performance strategies need to be well allied with the company objective. The value of every aspect of an organization, in this case, is treated with respect. Values can be defined as what is most important collectively as a group and as an individual. It is the value of each asset in any organization that is capitalized on to achieve company goal. 

Value act as a reflection of our needs and whenever individual need is met then the person productivity is increased. Businesses that realize the value of their shareholders and importance of profit, they ensure workers needs are met ultimately, company culture compliance is made a priority, and the crisis addressed appropriately. The method aims at embracing diversity and individuals identities and the same time manipulate this diversities towards achieving company success (Ospina, Kersh & Alraqhas, 2015). The leaders make efforts to simplify complex situations and conflicting data by providing clarity of purpose.

Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership is based on the creation of an honest relationship between management and the employees. When the leaders exhibit characters of integrity, honesty, and commitment, they become trusted, leaders who are emulated and respected by the subordinates (Leroy, Anseel, Gardner & Sels, 2015). Authentic leadership is built on character and therefore, leaders value their workers and set up flexible measures for the organization to meet set targets and enhance capabilities of the employees. 

In authentic leadership, the leaders set company strategies and objectives, and it is the role of leaders to make the decision, coach, and mentor and terminate workers. In this form of leadership, power is invested leaders, giving them an upper hand when it comes to company decisions. The employees rely on the manager’s directives, and they have a minimal say in the business agendas. However, to maintain balance, and company success, in this case, the leaders are skilled in decision-making and problem-solving, and they try to exhibit the simple characters, excellent listening skills and modesty.

analyzing leadership concepts

Positive Leadership

Active leadership uses theoretical and scientific methods to measure the company success and failures. The leadership capitalizes on identifying actual organization outcomes, they do not settle for good, but they identify what is beyond common (Cameron, 2013). The positive direction aligns itself with corporate strategies to ensure high performances are exhibited across all organization departments. Positive leadership has the tendency to bring peoples together and united them under a shared goal. In this leadership essential qualities of authenticity are depicted, leaders capitalize on integrity value. 

The purpose is the driving factor in this leadership style. Ever individual has a purpose, but a company has a larger purpose with such leadership philosophy leaders can make the right decisions. The leadership style is more collaborative than commanding, leaders are willing to learn from workers. Cameron (2013) states that, unlike other leadership styles, positive leadership is concerned with what it can derive from its employees rather than what they can give.

It searches for opportunities in an employee that they can invest in to achieve the best outcome, to achieve this, management carry out regular workers assessment, gauging their skills and keep the worker in check. They keep challenging their employees to do better and capitalize on their strengths. In addition, teamwork is encouraged and they believe individual strength can be improved in cooperation.


by Severino Ricci


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