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sustainable art by Arvedo Arvedi
sustainable art by Arvedo Arvedi

Sustainable Art by Count and Artist Arvedo Arvedi

We had a chance to attend one of the Arvedo Arvedi’s events by Professor and Art Critic Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, responsible for the artistic aspects of the project.
This has been an interesting opportunity to examine some aspects of the sustainable art by Count and artist Arvedo Arvedi. The event focused on the new modes of expression of the arts in a sustainable key in the era of new technologies.

Vibrant Art Works

Some of Arvedo Arvedi’s vibrant art works were on display. The artist has been working creatively for years in a sustainable key, expressing, through his works, messages of social edification and an interesting dialogue between different creative languages (writing, painting, sculpture, fashion, design).

Who’s Arvedo Arvedi

The Count Arvedo Arvedi was born in Verona in 1964 and grew up in his family’s villa – “Villa Arvedi”, where he got inspiration and passion for art and painting. This artistic passion became much more part of his life thanks to the cultural exchange with national and international guests and artists that he encountered along his way.

In 1993 he came across the American Pop Art which completely changed his vision of the artistic world. An important factor in his artistic development was the encounter with the artist John David Moone in Chicago.

Later, in Rome, Arvedo met the artist Massimo Catalani who involved him on the environmental project  “The House of Fish” that aims to stop the use of  fishing nets in illegal trawling which destroys  the ocean floor nearby the coasts, causing serious damage to both flora and fauna. This was a significant change.

Life is Art

Art may be a way to explore your world or your imagination. In this way, life is art. Art may inspire a beginning painter to take steps into learning a new medium, or an accomplished artist to experiment with a new technique. It is learning, art is teaching. Art can be exciting, empowering, and an expression of love.

Art can be a challenge. It can be rewarding, leading to a sense of accomplishment or a determination to do more. Art can be a message, an escape, an idealization, or simply a means of play.

Art can change one’s life.

For more info on this accomplished artist click here (

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